Thursday, November 19, 2009

The White Demo..

Me, Jonas, and Krista worked very hard on these last night.  We made 30 copies.  The demo features "Attention!  My dear friends..." and "Elmo Castrado" along with a few other gems.  We're very excited about it.  The plan is to hand them out for free shows.  If you want to download it though just click here.

Its crazy crazy crazy!  I didn't win the Star Wars basket today.  I'm devastated.  Devastated!


The song "Comprehension" from the upcoming album Maria and the Ivory Face is up for grabs on itunes!  Check it out here.

Very exciting day!  We also jammed and practiced some songs last night.  Recording of the second Act is going very well... seemingly leaving us all with visions of Selina...


Unknown said...

hey jack and martin,

just bought comprehension and downloaded the demo, man it's some fucking great shit here. i'm really really looking forward the album and will definitely buy it as soon as i hear it's out. i may have left a6 (in a fit of rage after a night of good music only to come home to same old modern weezer that just pisses me off) , but i'll definitely keep up with your guys and the excellent tunes. keep em coming boys.

- aaron (prezhulio)

Jack Mergist said...

Haha. Thank you very much for your kind words Aaron. I'm glad you're excited for the album. We're working hard to get everything done right. Just keep in touch here, we update the blog and website with live stuff and new info every week. Have a nice weekend!